kill decision audiobook reviewMy Rating: ★★★★½

Author: Daniel Suarez

Narrator: Jeff Gurner

Publisher: Penguin Audio

Length: 13 hrs and 6 mins



My Review:

Ever since I had finished listening to Daemon and Freedom (follow the links for the rave reviews) I had been dying to see what Daniel Suarez would do next. Both of his previous books completely blew my mind and have earned a place near the top of my favorite techno thriller novels.

Expectations were pretty high by the time I finally pushed play on Kill Decision. The first few minutes of this book really sucked me into the story. I found myself thrilled, horrified and scared half to death that this scenario could actually happen. I suppose that the fact that the story is so believable is what made this book and Suarez’s previous books so great.

As the story begins to unfold we find ourselves following the activities of a Special Ops BAMF named Odin. Odin and his misfit team of elite soldiers immediately screamed “series” to me. About halfway through this book I kept hoping that they all don’t die so that I can enjoy more of their adventures in the future.

Kill Decision is slathered with lots of techno babble, awesome weapons and incredibly creative and cool countermeasures. As a fan of techno thrillers I was in heaven! Kill Decision is one of those books that I can easily see myself coming back to and enjoying multiple times in the future.

Audio Production: Jeff Gurner was great once again. He managed to handle all the different languages that were sprinkled throughout Kill Decision very convincingly. As in Daemon and Freedom there were a few sound effects and treatments added to the chapter marks of the audiobook. Usually I don’t care for that type of thing but I have enjoyed it in each of Suarez’s audiobooks.

Overall: I’m pretty sure that all the people that were around me were wondering why my mouth was gaping open for 13 hrs! Kill Decision kept me on the edge of my seat. There were so many times that I felt like I completely spaced out while listening to this book. I was so focused on the action going on that I wasn’t really paying attention to my surroundings!

I highly recommend this audiobook to all the techno thriller fans out there.

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Disclosure: I purchased this audiobook from