My Rating: ★★☆☆☆

Author: Joan Rivers

Narrator: Joan Rivers

Length: 4 hrs., 53 mins.

Publisher: Penguin Audio



My Review: If you can get past Joan Rivers’ annoyingly raspy voice, you’ll enjoy this humorous audiobook. I Hate Everyone… Starting with Me isn’t Joan’s first audiobook, but it was my first listen to her literary works. I find her brash, self-centered and hilarious.

In this audiobook Joan rants and raves about various topics, celebrities and of course herself. The greatest thing about Joan is that she doesn’t give a darn about you or your feelings. She’ll talk about a topic for an hour before losing steam and moving on. She’s so funny and opinionated.

This audiobook is not for the faint of heart… Joan is harsh but still hilarious. Great listen if you’re a fan of hers.

Narrator Review:  Oh Joan… your voice is part of who you are but you are not meant to be an audiobook narrator. It’s raspy and annoying… her voice made this harder to listen to than her harsh opinions.

Download I Hate Everyone… Starting with Me now!!

Disclosure: I received a copy of this audiobook from the publisher.