My Rating: ★★★★☆

Author: Robin Cook

Narrator: George Guidall

Length: Approx 11 hours

Publisher: Penguin Audio

My Review:

I was very pleasantly surprised when I discovered a review copy of Death Benefit in my mailbox. It had been quite some time since I had read any of Robin Cook’s work so I thought that this would be a perfect change of pace.

Robin Cook’s command of the medial thriller genre is well deserved. Death Benefit simply thrums with tension. Pia Grazdani and Dr. Rothman are very complex and interesting characters that have managed to develop a relationship where each is attuned to and somewhat dependent upon the other’s idiosyncrasies. The listener slowly begins to understand and care for these characters. Yet while this feeling steadily builds, the listener is also aware that a freight train is headed their way.

In Death Benefit Cook manages to entertain while educating at the same time. Issues like stem cell research and organogenesis are presented in such a way that the reader can’t help but want to learn more about them. Coupling these hot topics with an intense thriller resulted in a very enjoyable listening experience.

Audio Production: George Guidall was excellent as always. Character voices were consistent and easily identifiable. While this might not be my favorite George Guidall experience (that honor goes to Stephen King’s Dark Tower series) it certainly ranks near the top.

Overall: Death Benefit was everything that I hoped it would be. An excellent medical thriller paired with a great audiobook narrator. How could you go wrong? Answer = You can’t. If you are a fan of this genre you simply have to read this book.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this audiobook from the publisher

 Note: This title will be released on 12/27 but it is available for preorder at by following this link: Death Benefit by Robin Cook